
blurred office setting

Run a Small Office? Why Commercial Insurance is Vital to Your Business

As a small business owner, you may think your business is not big enough or not at risk enough to warrant carrying business insurance. You’re not alone. Many small business owners or self-employed professionals do not feel they need coverage or feel it’s too expensive, they think their home and auto insurance is enough or …

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electrician, wiring, installation

Accidents Happen. Protect Your Business with Commercial General Liability (CGL) Insurance

As a General Contractor, you find yourself in many different situations, locations and work environments. You may have employees or do all the work yourself. And even though you are experienced, trained and follow safety protocols, accidents can happen. You don’t always have control of your environment or what others, including your employees, do while …

Accidents Happen. Protect Your Business with Commercial General Liability (CGL) Insurance Read More »

hard hat, safety hat, construction

4 Steps To Take When Buying Insurance For Contractors – Our Guide

Contractors in the construction industry are often faced with inevitable risks. Whether a general contractor, sub-contractor, electrician, plumber, or carpenter, one may possibly encounter some safety risks involved in their scope of work. For this reason, you, as the employer, should provide them with some forms of quality protection. That is where business insurance comes …

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Our Guide To Groupe Cyr & Lyras Insurance & Its Benefits

Insurance is a necessity in life if you want to ensure financial stability for your family or business. While many believe it’s a luxury, insurance can go a long way in covering for your assets should anything happen to them. Why Is Insurance Important? Insurance is a safety net that provide coverage for motor vehicles, …

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How To Get The Most Out Of Your Groupe Cyr & Lyras Insurance

Paying insurance premiums every month can put alot of pressure on you. You may begin to think you’re not even getting any benefit from the money you’re spending. Some people just stop paying them altogether. Those people don’t keep in mind that paying their insurance is a great benefit to them in the future. Paying …

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Groupe Cyr & Lyras Insurance Read More »

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